Honor- Culture
भूमि पूजन
सत्यं बृहदृतमुग्रं दीक्षा तपो ब्रह्म यज्ञः पृथिवीं धारयन्ति ।
सा नो भूतस्य भव्यस्य पत्न्युरुं लोकं पृथिवी नः कृणोतु ॥१॥
र्वव्यापी सत्य, प्रबल तेजस्विता का नियम, व्रतग्रहण, तप, ब्रह्म ज्ञान और यज्ञ। ये सभी पृथिवी का धारण करते हैं। वह हमारे भूत और भविष्य का रक्षण करनेवाली-हमारे भूत और भविष्य को उज्ज्वल बनाने वाली पृथिवी हमारे निवास के लिए उत्तम स्थान प्रदान करे।
संवत 2081 चैत्र मास शुक्ल पक्ष रामनवमी का पवित्र दिन सर्वाधिक पावन तिथि दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल फरीदाबाद के भवन पुनर्निर्माण के भूमि पूजन के लिए। अथर्ववेद के भूमि सूक्त का गायन व व्याख्या, श्री रामचरितमानस के पवित्र छंदों के वाचन से गुंजायमान संपूर्ण वातावरण एवं दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल सोसाइटी के श्रेष्ठ, परम आदरणीय गुरुजनों श्री बी. के. चतुर्वेदी अध्यक्ष, दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल सोसाइटी, सुश्री नमिता प्रधान, अध्यक्ष, प्रबंधन समिति (दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, फ़रीदाबाद), श्री कौशिक दत्ता, उपाध्यक्ष प्रबंधन समिति, श्री रवि वीरा एवं श्री राहुल सिंह, सदस्य दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल सोसाइटी का आशीर्वाद यह सब मिलकर एक ऐसी दिव्यता का सृजन कर रहे थे मानो समस्त पवित्र आत्माएं धर्म के बंधन से मुक्त हो स्वयं जीवधारी बनकर इस श्रेष्ठ धरा को आशीर्वाद दे रहे हो।
मुख्य अतिथि गण, विशिष्ट अतिथि गण एवं प्रधानाचार्य के नाम से अंकित भव्य शिलालेख व नए भवन का मॉडल स्वागत स्थल की शोभा में चार चाँद लग रहा था।
उपस्थित मुख्य अतिथि गण को विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य द्वारा स्मृति चिन्ह के रूप में नए भवन के चित्र से अंकित स्मृति चिन्ह भेंट किया गया।
वास्तव में सर्वधर्म सद्भाव और वसुधैव कुटुुम्बकम् के आत्मिक भाव का मूर्त अनुभव सबने उस दिन किया।
• रामेश्वरम के 21 कुंडों का जल
• रामेश्वरम, ओम कारेश्वर तथा महाकलेश्वर की पवित्र माटी
• गंगा, नर्मदा, यमुना, शिप्रा जैसी पवित्र नदियों का जल
• मक्का से रमज़ान के महीने का पवित्र जल
• सेकरेड हार्ट कैथिड्रल दिल्ली, का पवित्र जल
• बंगला साहब गुरूद्वारे के सरोवर का पवित्र जल
इन सबके पवित्र जल से धरती माँ का अभिषेक किया जाना ।
• पवित्र त्रियंत्र का विशुद्ध रूप में स्थापन
• माता वैष्णव देवी, कटरा से पवित्र कलेवा
• श्री राम तथा स्कूल के नाम से अंकित विशेष रूप से निर्मित 51 ईंटों के द्वारा 8 फीट गहरी नींव का शिलान्यास
• सर्वधर्म का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए विभिन्न धर्मों के छात्रों द्वारा शिलान्यास
• नो कन्याओं द्वारा दुर्गा के नव शक्ति रूप में भूमि पूजन के कलश वहन करते हुए अतिथिगण के साथ पूजा स्थल को पूजन के लिए गमन
• शुद्ध, स्वच्छ वस्त्रों पर पीताम्बर अंग-वस्त्रधारी समस्त उपस्थितजनों द्वारा सात्विक वातावरण का निर्माण
• सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम में छात्रों द्वारा प्रस्तुत संगीत मय गणेश वंदना
• विश्व की 15 भाषाओं को एक सूत्र में पिरोकर गाया गया 'मिले सुर मेरा तुम्हारा'
• राम कथा को अलौकिक भावांजलि समर्पित करती नृत्य नाटिका
इस भव्य कार्यक्रम ने भूमि पूजन से पहले जो पृष्ठभूमि तैयार की वह मानो संपूर्ण दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल परिवार के सदस्यों की स्कूल के प्रति समर्पण तथा प्रेमभाव का साक्षात स्वरूप था।
प्रधानाचार्य श्री अनिल कुमार ने कहा कि जिस सत्संग को गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी ने मोक्ष व स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति कराने वाला कहा है; उस सत्संग के सान्निध्य तथा अभिनंदन का सौभाग्य मुझे आज मिला है। उनका कहना था कि सभी शुभचिंतकों की व्यक्तिगत अथवा वैचारिक रूप से उपस्थिति ही शुद्ध सत्संग है। उन्होंने लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने के लिए वास्तविक इच्छा शक्ति और जुनून के महत्त्व के बारे में बात करते हुए संकल्प के महत्त्व की चर्चा भी की।
श्री बी. के. चतुर्वेदी अध्यक्ष, दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल सोसाइटी, सुश्री नमिता प्रधान, अध्यक्ष, प्रबंधन समिति (दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, फ़रीदाबाद), श्री कौशिक दत्ता, उपाध्यक्ष प्रबंधन समिति द्वारा विद्यालय को आशीर्वाद देते हुए भविष्य में अनंत उचाईयों को छूने की शुभकामनाएं दीं।
सभा का समापन आरती के उपरांत सुश्री संगीता चक्रवर्ती उप प्रधानाचार्या के धन्यावाद ज्ञापन से हुआ। पूजन की समाप्ति पर सभी ने प्रसाद ग्रहण किया।
संपूर्ण कलेवर में यह एक अद्भुत, अलौकिक, अंतरात्मा को पवित्र करने वाला दिव्य आयोजन था।
With the grace of the Almighty and the divine presence of the learned elders of the DPS Society, esteemed guests from diverse fields, alumni and the entire Delhi Public School Faridabad fraternity, the Bhoomi Poojan for the remodelling of the school was solemnised on the auspicious day of Ram Navami, April 17, 2024.
The event was marked by the gracious presence of Sh. B. K. Chaturvedi, Chairman, the DPS Society, Ms. Namita Pradhan, Chairperson, Managing Committee, DPS Faridabad, Mr. Kaushik Dutta, Vice Chairman, Managing Committee, Mr. Ravi Vira Gupta and Mr Rahul Singh, Members , the DPSS, all of whom were given their due respect with a memento each.
Against the backdrop of the plaque mentioning the name of the Hon’ble members of the DPS Society and the model of the upcoming School, the day began with revered members of the DPS Society, esteemed guests and all members of the DPS Faridabad fraternity, clad in cream Indian ethnic attires and saffron stoles , taking a Sankalp to make the institution bigger & better. This was done in the presence of 9 kanyain as 9 forms of Maa Durga.
The Principal, Mr. Anil Kumar, welcomed the house and appreciated the guests referring to Sant Tulsi Das’s couplet that a brief moment of Satsang is more valuable than Swarg & Moksh. He spoke of the importance of genuine will power and passion to achieve a goal: Sankalp. He closed his address with the thought that the presence of all the well wishers, whether in person or in thought, was a pure Satsang.
The heart touching cultural program in the school auditorium began with the Orchestra , the Ganesh Vandana followed by the choir 'Mile sur mera tumhara', in fifteen languages which united everyone in a transcendental symphony; then the life of Prabhu Ram, beautifully depicted through a soul-stirring dance drama - Ram Katha: Bhavanjali, mesmerized all.
The grandeur of the ensuing Bhoomi Poojan in the school ground was a sight to behold and an experience of a lifetime:
The melodious chanting of chaupayis from Ram Charit Manas sung by the school students and staff.
The Holy water brought from:
• twenty one wells, from as far as Rameshwaram,
• Gurudwara Bangla Sahib,
• the Sacred Heart Church,
• Shipra river in Ujjain,
• Narmada river in Omkareshwar,
• Mecca during the month of Ramzan ,
• Ganga River in Haridwar
cemented the piety of the event.
With the soil from venerated places like
• Rameshwaram
• from temples of Mahakaal and Omkareshwar
good luck, peace, progress and prosperity were integrated for the institution.
Fifty one bricks with DPS Faridabad and Shri Ram inscribed on them were laid down in pyramid shape
over the 25 kilogram, 4’x 4’ size, copper Vastu Yantra at a depth of eight feet from the ground level by the felicitous members of the DPS Society, the esteemed guests and the DPS Faridabad fraternity including students from all religions.
The ceremony ended with Mangal Aarti and the graciously articulated blessings of the Honourable members of the DPS Society.
The day culminated with the vote of thanks by Vice Principal, Ms. Sangeeta Chakravarty and partaking of the Prasadam by all.
Annual Day Celebrations
'Jai Ho'- Rendezvous with India
The Delhi Public School Faridabad, with much grandeur and amidst unparalleled fanfare, observed it's Annual Day Celebrations from October 26 to 29, 2023. The highlight of the four day Celebrations was 'Jai Ho': Rendezvous with India, in a never seen before avatar.
All 2129 students of the primary wing, from classes Nursery to V came onto the stage to trace the evolution of the Nation from the Vedic ages to the modern era: the incredible beauty of the Indian heritage, its many civilizations, its unique culture with the underlying spirit -'the spirit of Bharat'.
The presentation was a culmination of our efforts to seamlessly blend the various art forms, to help our children learn social and emotional skills, aligned with the goals of 21st century education as per NEP 2020 while at the same time immersing oneself into Indian traditions, culture and value system.
'From emotional and moral intelligence to vocabulary and cultural sensitivity, fairy tales teach valuable lessons to children'
To hone the innate talent and instil profound virtues of kindness, compassion and honesty, the students of class V were given an opportunity to showcase their dramatic prowess based on the German fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on March 14 and 15, 2024.
The programme commenced with the symphony of music played by the budding musicians followed by a soul stirring choir.
The Guests on the 2 days were: Ms Rachita Mittal, HOD English, LSR College, New Delhi on day 1 and Ms Sonia Duggal, author and English language trainer, Ms Neeta Aneja, Founder Trends Literature Series & President Trends International Inc. on day 2.
The young artists took to the stage, a simple plot borrowed from the children's fairy tale with magical characters in brightly coloured costumes, dances and catchy music. The play brought to life the story of Snow White, who with her humble and compassionate demeanour won the hearts of all, including the seven dwarfs who would not otherwise welcome anyone in their cottage. Even the animals and the mysterious forest whole heartedly embraced the pure and kind soul reiterating the message of hope and love.
The audience was enthralled by the articulate characters, mesmerizing dances and scintillating music.
The Chief Guests praised the children for their remarkable performance and said that fairy tales continue to hold a soft place in everyone's hearts even today and are timelessly relevant because of the lessons they teach us.
The programme culminated with the National Anthem.
MEGA event – UTSOTSAV, a 4 day event comprising 100% participation of the students from classes Nursery – V was celebrated on the theme RAMAYANA.
There were 2 parts of the event – Diwali Mela and a Cultural Presentation. Classes 1 to V had put up 2 stalls each – depicting various important episodes from the life history of Lord Rama.
Children presented beautiful tableaus, poem, shlokas, mangal geet and dances,which left the parents spellbound . Children
participated in Choir, Poem, Welcome dance, Chaupaiyan and 4 Plays depicting a different kand on each day.
The guests for the Event were
DAY 1- OCTOBER 18, 2022 - Ms. Namita Pradhan (Chairperson Managing Committee, DPS Faridabad)
DAY 2 - OCTOBER 19, 2022 - Mrs. & Mr. V. K. Shunglu (Chairman DPSS)
DAY 3 - OCTOBER 20, 2022 - Mr. Anurag Tripathi (Secretary C.B.S. E.)
DAY 4 - OCTOBER 18, 2022 Mr. Raza Murad (Renowned Actor and theatre artist), Ms. Geetanjali Laul (eminent Kathak exponent)
Children participated with full enthusiasm and learnt a lot during this event. A Reflection handout based on the event was also given as a follow up activity
The School staped the mega production, “पद चिन्ह: स्वयं की ओर” to celebrate the life of Swami Vivekananda. To acquaint the children more about him, various activities were conducted in classes.
Class Prep. - Story based on his life was shown and coloring sheet was given to children explaining about his clothing and how Swami Vivekananda looked like.
Class Nur. -Tiny tots enjoyed anecdotes of Swami ji shared by teacher, who distinguished herself to Swami ji and narrated the life of Swami Vivekananda.
Classes I & II – A handout was done to understand his values and preaching. Children were given the picture of Swami ji to write his famous quote- Arise, Awake, Stop not till the goal is achieved. Also children were asked to find two interesting facts about him and write in their scrap books.
Classes IV & V – Quiz based on his life and preaching was conducted in class. Children enjoyed the activity